Spending a hundred bucks on a bottle of gin isn’t going to be the norm for most gin drinkers, and yet that’s precisely what Archie Rose Distlller’s Strength commands. That and a strong sense of self with a lot of alcoholic volume.
While most gin tops out in the 40s for alcohol percentage, Archie Rose’s Distiller’s Strength is an “overproof gin”, which is to say it has more alcohol than standard spirits. By comparison, Archie Rose’s standard “Signature Dry Gin” is a 42% bottle, while Distiller’s Strength hits a staggering 52.4%.
It’s so alcoholic, the numbers are bold and clear on the label.
Make no mistake, this bottle is bold.

There are stronger gins out there — Four Pillars Navy Strength comes to mind, featuring an eye-lid searing 58.80% alcohol — however, the strength is just one side of Distiller’s Strength.
Distilled with pears, rose petals, juniper, elderflower, and honey, the flavours are numerous and playful in this Archie Rose tipple, and able to be picked up on the back palette after it’s gone down.
The front palette may as well be the sharp attack of the alcohol, which can feel like it’s setting fire to the inside of your mouth as it goes down, warming your tongue and throat in the lovliest of ways.
While the alcohol in Distiller’s Strength can feel harsh, there’s a balanced flavour that punches nicely, and is just an absolute delight to consume.
One of the more expensive gins, it’s one we didn’t want to down too quickly. And yet, we found ourselves making up reasons to drink it.
Simply put, Archie Rose Distiller’s Strength Gin is one of those drinks that’s hard to put down and easy to remember.